An Invitation to Live Fully

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, ‘Wow, what a ride!'”  Hunter S. Thomspon


This is an invitation to live fully. It’s an invitation to explore, investigate, travel, find adventure, and live with intention.  Yes, we need to take care of ourselves, protect ourselves, and be wise. BUT, we should not be so cautious, so hesitant, so careful, that we miss the opportunities to LIVE.

This winter, the doctors found a pre-cancerous mole on my back and they had to do surgery, which left a GIANT two-inch, bright-red scar in the middle of my back. However, the main reason my wound scarred so badly was because right after my surgery I moved to Mexico and it got completely infected. I could have been angry and frustrated about it. But my friend Jessica, who was living with me in Mexico and cleaning my wound twice each day, read me this quote by Hunter S. Turner (above) and she told me, “You know, it’s kind of like a free tattoo. And you’ll always have a story to tell.” Instead of being angry about it, I decided just to accept it, because life is not about arriving safely in a well-preserved body. It’s about skidding in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, ‘Wow! What a ride!’

Don’t be afraid to live. Don’t be afraid to travel, explore, and adventure in unknown places. If your body isn’t perfect, who cares? It’s evidence that you’re living, that you’re taking advantage of your time on this earth.

Kelsey’s Notes: April 24th, 2014

Today’s Challenges:

  • Be patient with border control. (I’m leaving Mexico today and driving back to the states!)
  • Drive carefully, blast some dang good music, and enjoy the sun!
  • Enjoy every moment with my grandparents in Arizona.

Today I am thankful for:

  • Onesimo, my host dad, who fixed the hole in my tire and changed my oil this morning!
  • Yoga felt SO great this morning… (last time doing yoga in my little Mexican casita!)
  • Bananas, because they are delicious with peanut butter.


Be MADLY in Love with Yourself


“I am my own biggest critic. Before anyone else has criticized me, I have already criticized myself. But for the rest of my life, I am going to be with me and I don’t want to spend my life with someone who is always critical. So I am going to stop being my own critic. It’s time that I accept all the great things about me.” -CJC

Criticism is a choice. It’s a mindset. We choose how much or how little to criticize ourselves. CJC had it right, YOU HAVE TO SPEND YOUR WHOLE LIFE WITH YOURSELF. Sorry to be the barer of bad news, but you’re kind of stuck with yourself.

None of us want to date or marry someone who is extremely critical of us, do we? Well, why then, should we allow ourselves to be critical of ourselves? Wouldn’t you want to date or marry someone who LOVES all the things about you? Someone who makes you feel GOOD? So doesn’t it make sense that we should treat ourselves in the same way? Recognize the greatness inside of you. Love your heart and love who you have been MADE to be.

One more challenge: Try to love your BODY just how it is. Sometimes it’s easier to recognize the good things inside of us than the good things outside of us. The media has brainwashed us, telling us we need to look a certain way. (Which makes me really mad!) But who cares what they say? You don’t have to look like a Victoria Secret model. And if you think that’s the only way you’re going to get men, then you’re probably looking for the wrong kind of men. Just LOVE your body and accept it how it is. Yes, we can always work to make our bodies healthier. But you are NEVER going to achieve your goals if you are constantly critiquing yourself. Just let go and recognize that you are a LIVING, beautiful human being. And if there’s a little pudge on your tummy, well, there is more to love!

Kelsey’s Notes: April 23, 2014

Today’s Challenges:

  • Say goodbye to all my favorite people in Mexico. (I’m leaving the country tomorrow! Que triste.)
  • Eat some amazing tacos.
  • Enjoy driving through the Mexican country-side.

Today I am thankful for:

  • The three amazing months spend here in Mexico and all the wonderful people I have met.
  • The owls in the palm trees.
  • My soy chai tea candle.

Overcoming Criticism


A lot of us are people pleasers. We want to make other people happy by the things we do and the decisions that we make. Not only that, we desperately seek approval from others and live in constant fear of judgment. And this obsession for approval quickly begins to control our lives.

However, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt had it right. Criticism is inevitable. This world is made up of people with outrageously different views and beliefs. We have radical conservatives, radical liberals, and everyone in between. And unfortunately, people are never going to agree. Personal experiences shape the heart and mind of an individual and no two people can live their lives through the same lens. Another reality: as much as we want everyone to believe the same things as we believe, debate and disagreement will always exist in this world.

So why do we so often seek approval from others? Why do we so often feel guilty if we are disappointing someone else? Accept the fact that you cannot satisfy everyone. The reality is, you will never be able to live up to the standards that other people set for you.

Freedom is found when you can let go of the fear of judgment and critique. Be free. Listen to your heart. Stay strong and firm in what you believe. Don’t allow the judgment of others to hold you back. Because you know what? The unfortunate reality is: for whatever you decide, someone will disagree with your decision.


Kelsey’s Notes: April 20th, 2014

Today’s Challenges:

  • Enjoy Easter in Mexico! “He has risen, he has risen indeed!”
  • Sit outside.
  • Watch the sunset.

Today I am grateful for:

  • My family!
  • My three-month Mexican adventure. (It’s almost over!)
  • My awesome camera.
  • The fulfilling and encouraging words in the Bible.

Do What You Love

“Ambition and interest are two different things, are they not? If I am really interested in painting, if I love to paint, then I do not compete to be the best or most famous painter. I just love painting. You may be a better painter than I, but I do not compare myself with you. When I paint, I love what I am doing, and for me, that’s sufficient in itself.” J. Krishnamurti

What do you love doing? Hiking? Painting? Traveling? Writing? Cooking? Fitness? What is it that truly interests you? If you could just do something all day, what would it be?

Why do we so often turn our interests into competitions? As soon as we compare ourselves with others, we lose the freedom and the unique beauty of what we are doing. For me, I love yoga. And yes, I want to continually learn and grow in my practice. However, for me, yoga is not about twisting farther than the person next to me. It’s not about doing a head stand longer than someone else. Who cares who can do a head stand the longest? It’s about the freedom that I find when I’m doing something I love.

If we allow competition and comparison enter the equation, we reject freedom, exploration, and creativity.

Just be you and do what you love. Find that one thing that gives you freedom and allows you to be creative. If you love what you’re doing and allow yourself to be content with your abilities, you will be fulfilled.

What is something that you love and wish you did more of? Inspire me!

Kelsey’s Notes: April 17, 2014

Today’s Challenges:

  • Enjoy the sun
  • Drink an ice-cold smoothie
  • Play the guitar

Today I am thankful for:

  • Fresh and cheap vegetables at the market


Travel and Adventure

“If travel has momentum and wants to stay in motion, then adventure has the gravitational pull of a black hole. The more you do it, the more you find a way to keep doing it.” -Josh Davis

I love you Josh Davis, because you are so right. Traveling is one of the things I love most. But for me, traveling is not about sight-seeing or getting tours of monuments. How boring! It’s about meeting people, learning the ways of a new culture, eating different food, going to festivals, learning a language, dancing, and exploring. Traveling is about adventure. Living in the NOW. Exploring nature and investigating the world.

If my travels just consisted of going on “whisper head-set” tours and walking around museums, I would never travel again. Spending so much money for information that I’m going to instantly forget. Adventure is about making relationships with people and learning about their culture and perspectives. We can only truly learn about the world if we experience it ourselves! We can only have compassion for others if we KNOW them and have experienced the way they live!

Once you experience the true meaning of adventure, the more you will find a way to keep doing it.


I am living in Mexico right now and have been here for almost 3 months. I absolutely love it because I have learned so much about the people, the culture, and the food. Before I went to Mexico, I spent 3 months in Costa Rica. When I was there, I hiked, zip-lined, spent hours in the ocean, surfed, snorkeled, drank wine, took Spanish classes, stayed with a host family, rented a car, and showered in only cold water. I not only explored the country, but I made relationships and friendships with the people. And most of all, I put my American-way-of-doing-things aside and lived how the Costa Ricans lived. THIS is what traveling is. THIS is adventure.

You can travel without adventure. But you can’t have adventure without an open mind, a creative heart, and a desire to learn and explore.

Kelsey’s Notes: April 16, 2014

Today’s Challenges:

  • Go with the flow
  • Genuinely ENJOY the sun!
  • Talk to my mom on the phone. 🙂

Today I am thankful for:

  • Juan and Artemisa Lira–one of the most amazing Mexican couples I have met here. This morning we stopped by their house to give them some money for the fish tacos they are going to cook us on Saturday. They stopped everything they were doing and sat down with us on their white picnic table. We talked for hours. Such caring, loving, and special people. They never stop telling me that I am such a blessing to them and they will never stop praying for me. So thankful for them today.
  • I AM GOING TO ECUADOR on May 15th! More adventure to come!





“Remember, whatever your goal is– whether it’s to get in good physical shape or change a negative attitude–you have what it takes. So start drawing on God’s power to help you achieve it. As you do–little by little–you’ll begin to find more freedom, more success, and more fulfillment than you could ever imagine.” Joyce Meyer

You have what it takes. I love that! But in order to achieve a goal, we need DISCIPLINE. We need self-discipline and self-control to succeed in anything! By nature, we humans are not very good at disciplining and controlling ourselves when temptation comes. We’re really bad at saying NO. So many times, I find myself say, “Ah, whatever. YOLO.” And then I do something stupid or something that will take me a step back from achieving my goal. Like eating 10 cookies when I’m trying to lose weight. Or speaking English with some friends because it’s easier than speaking Spanish. It’s easy to take the easy way out!

The good thing is that God gives strength and when we depend on his power, we can be successful. And like Joyce says, “You will begin to find more FREEDOM, more SUCCESS, and more FULFILLMENT than you could ever imagine.”

Leaning on God’s strength to find discipline and self-control will lead to freedom, success, and fulfillment.

“He did all this so you would never say to yourself, ‘I have achieved this wealth with my own strength and energy.’ Remember the Lord your God. He is the one who gives you power to be successful.” Deuteronomy 8:17-18

Kelsey’s Notes: April 14th, 2014

Today’s Challenges:

  • Do yoga
  • Learn how to make Mexican tortillas
  • Smell a flower
  • Drink A LOT of water

Today I am thankful for:

  • MY SIGHT! A sweet little girl here in Mexico had a brain aneurysm, was hospitalized for 2 months, and now is blind. I can’t imagine having the ability to see my entire life and then it just being taken away! My prayers go out to sweet Alyson. And today I am thankful that I can see the people that I love, food, flowers, and sunlight!
  • I’m going to GRAD SCHOOL in the Fall! University of Oregon, Language Teaching Specialization Masters Program. Ah! So excited, so thankful, and feel so blessed!


Just Love Yourself… It’s Simple.

“I was thinking a lot lately about the amount of time women spend in front of the mirror, making themselves look ‘pretty’ only then to turn around and make ugly comments with serious, sour faces. What’s the point? If you’re going to be ugly, embrace it. Let yourself go ugly. If you want to be beautiful, all you need is a smile, and maybe some lip gloss and mascara too.” -Anna Myers

Ha! I LOVE this. Written by my fellow yogi and lovely friend, Anna, who I met in Costa Rica in my Yoga Teacher Training program. She’s got it right, that’s for sure.

Why do we girls spend so much time trying to make ourselves look pretty and then critique ourselves so harshly?! What is the point?

JUST LOVE YOURSELF. You have to live with yourself forever and you’re kinda stuck with the face and body you have. So embrace it. And if you REALLY think you’re ugly, which you probably aren’t, just go with it and be ugly. But if you want to be pretty, just stop complaining, have some confidence, put on a smile, and conquer the world. It’s simple.


Kelsey’s Notes: April 13th, 2014

Today’s Challenges:

  • Make a healthy smoothie
  • Study Spanish for an hour
  • Put my smart phone and computer away for an hour and completely DISCONNECT

Today I am thankful for:

  • …my wonderful yoga practice this morning in my tiny little casita. I usually do yoga with music, but today I decided to practice quietly and focus on breathing. I was a little anxious for some reason when I woke up this morning and my quiet and slower-paced practice really helped me relax. However, as I was enjoying the silence, my next door neighbors began to blast their music, loud and upbeat songs in both Spanish and English. The dogs started barking and people were yelling random things in the street. Well, I was simply reminded to LET IT BE and ACCEPT WHAT IS. My heart is thankful to be in this crazy, awesome, unique culture.
  • …I got to go to an awesome wedding celebration last night in my favorite village, Francisco Murguia. Of course the food was delicious and we celebrated in the middle of a dirt road with a live band on top of an empty semi-truck.

The Meaning of NAMASTE

1“I honor the light, love, truth, beauty, and peace within you, because it is also within me. In sharing those things, we are united, we are one.”

A lot of people are afraid of the world Namaste, like it is some weird religious term. But it’s simple. It’s simply saying, I recognize that you are filled with light, love, truth, beauty, and peace. And I honor these beautiful things in you. It’s also proclaiming, “I know and believe firmly, with confidence, that this beauty also resides in me.” It’s a simple recognition of YOU ARE AN INCREDIBLE HUMAN BEING AND I AM TOO.

I truly believe that these qualities–light, love, truth, beauty, and peace are not just created within the self. Yet, I believe that God, the Creator of all, has generously given light, love, truth, beauty, and peace to each person. Recognizing this light, love, truth, beauty, and peace inside you is recognizing the Creator.

Let’s honor and recognize the beauty in each other, because HEY, we’re all incredible people.

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(Throw back to my first yoga class that I taught! Nosara, Costa Rica) NAMASTEEE!

Kelsey’s Notes: April 12, 2014

Today’s Challenges:

  • Speak Spanish for 3 hours
  • Read Romans Chapter 3
  • Eat some dang good, authentic Mexican food

Today I am thankful for:

  • My new journal
  • Waking up to the sounds of chickens
  • My Gardenia and Tuberose soy candle next to my bed


Nothing is Worth Diminishing Your Health

“I promise you nothing is as chaotic as it seems. Nothing is worth diminishing your health. Nothing is worth poisoning yourself into stress, anxiety, and fear.” -Anonymous

Amen, sister! Or brother. Whoever anonymous is. Seriously though. This is so true. I used to be a prisoner of stress and anxiety. Because of all the pressures of school and work, I would sacrifice taking care of myself in order to succeed. Who created expectation anyway? I didn’t sleep well or eat healthily, so I could finish all my assignments and ultimately live up to the expectations that others set for me.

Now that I have spent some time traveling, away from the American society, I have been immersed into cultures who encourage REST. They work hard, but SIESTAS are a must. And everyone just sits on their porch and has time to talk. People understand the value of HEALTH and the blessing of health. Don’t take health for granted. Embrace your well-being and take care of your body!

NOTHING is worth diminishing your health. We are blessed with the beautiful and incredibly, intricate bodies that God has, so generously, given us. So guard and protect your health. Just relax, breathe, and do some yoga.


(Throw back to my FAVORITE beach, Playa Guiones in Costa Rica where I did my yoga teacher training at the Nosara Yoga Institute! Remembering the beautiful sunsets, refreshing water, and doing hours of yoga in the sand.)

Kelsey’s Notes: April 11, 2014

Today’s Challenges:

  • Do yoga
  • Blog
  • Speak in Spanish for an hour
  • Cook American food for the Zazueta family
  • Read Romans Chapter 2
  • Drink a homemade smoothie

Today I am thankful for:

  • The Mexican people
  • Rest
  • My yoga mat
  • Writing
  • Sun!
  • Iced-Coffee