Be MADLY in Love with Yourself


“I am my own biggest critic. Before anyone else has criticized me, I have already criticized myself. But for the rest of my life, I am going to be with me and I don’t want to spend my life with someone who is always critical. So I am going to stop being my own critic. It’s time that I accept all the great things about me.” -CJC

Criticism is a choice. It’s a mindset. We choose how much or how little to criticize ourselves. CJC had it right, YOU HAVE TO SPEND YOUR WHOLE LIFE WITH YOURSELF. Sorry to be the barer of bad news, but you’re kind of stuck with yourself.

None of us want to date or marry someone who is extremely critical of us, do we? Well, why then, should we allow ourselves to be critical of ourselves? Wouldn’t you want to date or marry someone who LOVES all the things about you? Someone who makes you feel GOOD? So doesn’t it make sense that we should treat ourselves in the same way? Recognize the greatness inside of you. Love your heart and love who you have been MADE to be.

One more challenge: Try to love your BODY just how it is. Sometimes it’s easier to recognize the good things inside of us than the good things outside of us. The media has brainwashed us, telling us we need to look a certain way. (Which makes me really mad!) But who cares what they say? You don’t have to look like a Victoria Secret model. And if you think that’s the only way you’re going to get men, then you’re probably looking for the wrong kind of men. Just LOVE your body and accept it how it is. Yes, we can always work to make our bodies healthier. But you are NEVER going to achieve your goals if you are constantly critiquing yourself. Just let go and recognize that you are a LIVING, beautiful human being. And if there’s a little pudge on your tummy, well, there is more to love!

Kelsey’s Notes: April 23, 2014

Today’s Challenges:

  • Say goodbye to all my favorite people in Mexico. (I’m leaving the country tomorrow! Que triste.)
  • Eat some amazing tacos.
  • Enjoy driving through the Mexican country-side.

Today I am thankful for:

  • The three amazing months spend here in Mexico and all the wonderful people I have met.
  • The owls in the palm trees.
  • My soy chai tea candle.

Just Love Yourself… It’s Simple.

“I was thinking a lot lately about the amount of time women spend in front of the mirror, making themselves look ‘pretty’ only then to turn around and make ugly comments with serious, sour faces. What’s the point? If you’re going to be ugly, embrace it. Let yourself go ugly. If you want to be beautiful, all you need is a smile, and maybe some lip gloss and mascara too.” -Anna Myers

Ha! I LOVE this. Written by my fellow yogi and lovely friend, Anna, who I met in Costa Rica in my Yoga Teacher Training program. She’s got it right, that’s for sure.

Why do we girls spend so much time trying to make ourselves look pretty and then critique ourselves so harshly?! What is the point?

JUST LOVE YOURSELF. You have to live with yourself forever and you’re kinda stuck with the face and body you have. So embrace it. And if you REALLY think you’re ugly, which you probably aren’t, just go with it and be ugly. But if you want to be pretty, just stop complaining, have some confidence, put on a smile, and conquer the world. It’s simple.


Kelsey’s Notes: April 13th, 2014

Today’s Challenges:

  • Make a healthy smoothie
  • Study Spanish for an hour
  • Put my smart phone and computer away for an hour and completely DISCONNECT

Today I am thankful for:

  • …my wonderful yoga practice this morning in my tiny little casita. I usually do yoga with music, but today I decided to practice quietly and focus on breathing. I was a little anxious for some reason when I woke up this morning and my quiet and slower-paced practice really helped me relax. However, as I was enjoying the silence, my next door neighbors began to blast their music, loud and upbeat songs in both Spanish and English. The dogs started barking and people were yelling random things in the street. Well, I was simply reminded to LET IT BE and ACCEPT WHAT IS. My heart is thankful to be in this crazy, awesome, unique culture.
  • …I got to go to an awesome wedding celebration last night in my favorite village, Francisco Murguia. Of course the food was delicious and we celebrated in the middle of a dirt road with a live band on top of an empty semi-truck.