PLASTIC is toxic: 10 Creative Ways to Cut Back

Photo Credit: Homedit

Let’s be educated about PLASTIC. Why is it harmful?

Plastic materials leak toxic chemicals into our products that we consume into our bodies. Plastic packaging on food penetrates toxic chemicals into the food itself, which is then digested into our bodies. Plastic packaging of our beauty and shower products leak toxic chemicals into the products, which then go onto our skin and are absorbed into the body. Plastics are toxic and unhealthy to consume and without even realizing it, we consume hundreds plastic toxins each day.

The Science:

According to Mother Earth Living, “plastics contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals that interfere with the balance of hormones in the body, and researchers have found that most plastics–even those labeled BPA-free–can leach these chemicals into food. A study by the Endocrine Society found that even low exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals can cause significant adverse health effects, including cardiovascular disease, obesity, cancer and infertility.”

Challenge Yourself to Cut Back

Here are 10 creative ideas to cut back on your plastic use and improve your personal health and lower your risk for cancer, allergies, and infertility. Start simply and slowly by picking three of these strategies; you don’t have to do it all at once!

1. Buy bed linens made of organic cotton and wool. Avoid fabrics made of polyester, nylon, and vinyl (because they are engineered and made from plastics).

2. Buy a natural shower curtain that doesn’t contain plastic material. When the heat and steam of the shower collide with the plastic fibers, chemicals will be emitted into the air. This is called “offgassing.” Organic hemp or flax-based are good alternatives. ( has great organic hemp shower curtains! I can’t wait to get one).

3. Store your beauty products in glass or tin containers. (Especially if you are keeping your beauty products in the hot and steamy bathroom, the heat will make the toxins leak into the product, which is then put on your skin or hair).

4. Buy beauty products with little or no packaging (ex: organic bar soap with paper packaging). Or make your own beauty products! Check out some of my DIY Beauty/Hair products here.

5. Store all your food in non-plastic containers. Instead, use metal, tin, or glass. (In my opinion, mason jars are the best for storage!)

6. Use stainless-steal water bottles that are made of food-grade steel. (Klean Kanteen) Avoid plastic water bottles, reusable and disposable.

7. Use metal or bamboo silverware. Avoid plastic utensils because they contain polystyrene which transfer into food.

8. Buy food in bulk and eliminate plastic packaging. (Go crazy in the bulk section at Winco!)

9. Do not microwave leftovers in plastic Tupperware or on a plastic plate. (The best way to re-heat food is on the stove, but if you must use the microwave, put your food on a non-plastic plate!)

10. Always bring your own reusable bags when grocery shopping. If you forgot your reusable bag, always go for PAPER, not plastic.

Have you tried any of these? Do you have any other creative ways of eliminating plastic? Leave your thoughts; I’d love to hear from you!

Photo Credit: Homedit

3 thoughts on “PLASTIC is toxic: 10 Creative Ways to Cut Back

  1. Kelsey, thanks for this post. It’s hard to know what choices to make regarding plastics because they are literally all around us. I have a 7 year old and every day when I pack her lunch, I think about what nasty things are seeping into her pb & j. Appreciate you sharing some alternatives!


  2. I love those jars, I’d far rather write on lids than labels on the sides where my hands might smear it. Thanks for the link, this looks like just the info I need. Also, any tips on those hemp shower curtains for a mold-prone climate like Seattle?


    • I have heard that Rawganique ( or Gaiam ( have hemp and flax-based linen shower curtains, so you could try those two places. Also, I bet you could find some online or on etsy! Let me know if you find a good one!


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